We shared fruits and veggies. Everyone brought what they had in abundance and took with the what they needed. The food was presented in a beautiful mandala. There was a sharing circle and good soup to eat.
Kid friendly gathering with games and typical Swedish easter traditions (dressing up as påskkäring, ägg hunt). Fire with stick bread, some baking, hot soup will be made.
We talked about buckwheat and the importance of locally grown food. Preparation of buckwheat for lunch and sharing of recipes. Annie presented the Reko-Ring (local sharing network).
We organized lots of directed singing through the Taizé group around the campfire and prepared a delicious lunch together.
We talked abou the significance of network and bonds as part of being prepared for crisis. Resource swap. Odla Molkom was presented with a garden tour. Lunch was prepared with all the participiants.
We enjoyed great company and tasty food, shared work, singing, egg hunting, lovely weather and the beautiful tranquil space at Odla Molkom.
So far, the lunches have been a succés for everyone involved!
---Singing and working, like in the old times---
Lyrics from the song, that you just enjoyed in the video:
Vårvindar friska, leka och viska
Lunderna kring likt älskande par
Strömmarna ila, finna ej vila
Förrän ni havet störtvågen far
Klappa mitt hjärta, klaga och hör
Vallhornets klang bland klipporna dör
Strömkarlen spelar, sorgerna delar
Vakan kring berg och dal
Hjärtat vill brista, ack när den sista
Gången jag hörde kärlekens röst
Avskedets plåga, ögonens låga
Mun emot mun och klappande bröst
Fjälldalen stod i grönskande skrud
Trasten slog drill på drill för sin brud
Strömkarlen spelar, sorgerna delar
Vakan kring berg och dal.
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